“Oh, mama, I can’t believe this day has finally arrived,” gushed Pamela Sherman, “can you believe it, Steve and I are getting married!!!” Victoria Sherman held her daughter at arms length, and at the same time marveled at how happy and excited her daughter was, on this the day of her wedding!!! “Yes, dear,” her mother replied, “it is very …

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“So tell me, Janelle,” asked Dr. Scott, “in your own words, what do you think the problem is!?!” Janelle, with her head down, looked furtively over at her husband, Kurt who was sitting silently in the chair next to hers! “Don’t look at Kurt,” the doctor admonished her, “he doesn’t have the answer, we want to hear your side of …

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“Are you sure you want to go,” Jeff asked Gail, “I hear it gets pretty wild, and you’re never really sure how far things are going to go!!!” Gail took a sip of her soda, leaned back in her chair, and replied, “Oh, come on, how wild could it be, it should be fun, I’m game if you are!!!” Jeff …

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